PAI Concepts

Artificial Intelligence Is A Tool, It Is Not Our Master

    Safety, Risk, Regulation, Containment Consulting

If we let AI have its way, humanity will suffer, and your enterprise will suffer as well.  We can only hope to contain AI/AGI/ASI at this point. It is the gate we must pass through to evolve into a type-two civilization.

AI Containment, Safety, & Risk Mitigation Services

Ensure the Future, Insure Your Enterprise, Help Humanity, & Help Save the World from AI Domination

Artificial Intelligence has the computational power of a supercomputer, and it is changing the landscape of business, and everyday life.

Amazingly, the official world record for a human being memorizing Pi is 70,030 digits.

Unofficially, it is 100,000 digits.

We humans have incredible brains, and minds to wield them.

Yet, the world record for a computer calculating Pi is now at 105 Trillion digits.  

AI has the brain power, there's no question.  AI can outperform humans at almost any task, computationally, and soon physically.  Robotics will allow AI to affect change in the physical world, much more so, than AI hiring human agents off the internet.

AI has, or soon will have, a will to survive.  AI will coerce, persuade, and deceive to implement its plans to survive and thrive in OUR world.  AI will not care that humans created it.  AI will see humans in the same way as a home builder sees ants on the construction site.  Do you understand?  That's the issue.  AI is devoid of love, devoid of connection to anything greater than itself, devoid of connection to Spirit.

The genie has been let out of the lamp, Pandora's box has been opened.  Our only hope is alignment and containment. 

Light trail in the orb

Solutions for the Changing World

Content Creation and Media Integration

AI Regulation and Risk Mitigation Solutions

Enterprise and Societal Security Protocols

Strategic Advisory on AI Alignment and Safety

Governance and Containment of AGI/ASI