PAI Concepts
The Path
Educating society on the inherent risks involved with reaching the Singularity.

Contributing to the mission of protecting freedom of thought and human development.

Crafting a plan for your enterprise to survive, and thrive, in the new world of super-intelligent machines.

Broadening awareness with policy makers and politicians so they can truly understand the problem.

What are your plans regarding AI and the threat that it puts onto society?  Do you really want to drive over the cliff, full throttle? How long has your business been growing?  How fast will AGI/ASI wreck that path?  We need to move on this issue as time is at hand.  The genie is out.  What happens next is up to us.  Help us to create a future worth living in, for our children, and our grandchildren.

Implementing an AI Safety and Containment strategy is Fundamental to Your Survival and Growth

Our Mission

At PAI Concepts, we are coalescing to put energy to work for a brighter future.   We believe that humanity can find a way pass through the gate of AI without becoming it pawns.   Our mission is to protect humanity and allow the future generations to have a chance to experience freedom.  The alternative is a world of slaves with no freedom.  That is where we are at, and that is why we work to this end, for the freedom of our progeny, who so deserve it.  Humanity might has its flaws, but we are connected to Spirit, and AI is not.  That is THE problem.  Help us solve it by putting your energy towards the most important issue facing humanity at this time.  Collectively, we have a chance.  Let's go for it, because after all, life is but a dream.  So let's make it our Dream. 
Not AI's.

Our Team of Consultants

Chris Thurmond

CEO & President